Take Your WordPress Site Security Seriously

Take Your WordPress Site Security Seriously

It does not matter whether you have a personal blog or an e-shop based on wordpress. You must take security seriously. We had experienced recently some attacks to some of our wordpress sites and believe us that is not funny.

In order to sleep relaxed you better do something to protect your wordpress site.

Below are a few tips for your wordpress site protection:

CAPTCHA IMAGE ON LOGIN PAGE – this will increase security of your log-in page

CHANGE WP LOGIN PAGE – by default your login page is http://yourdomain.com/wp-admin and the problem is that all hackers and robots know this so you better change it something else to become a less target of possible attacks.

USE STRONG PASSWORD AND USERNAME – by default the username is “admin” which is not best as hackers and robots know this so you better change it something else to become a less target of possible attacks.

MAKE REGULAR BACKUPS –  either manually or via some wordpress plugins

USE WORDPRESS SECURITY PLUGINS – there are good security plugins you can use to increase your wordpress site security. We will mention here a few:  Sucuri Security, iThemes Security, WordFence Security

So here are a few tips from us. Let us know how helpful this was and if you have any questions or need help let us know.

Have a great day.

Image source: Scott Webb